
Creo: i create, therefore i believe

If you want the job done right do it yourself. Creo was started with this mantra so the creative control will be in our hands for every step of the process. Hidden right off the intracoastal waterway in Wilmington, North Carolina, Creo found it's gem for a studio location. Inspiration is constantly found in the surrounding nature which is a constant reminder why it's so important for you to do what you love while working your hardest so you can create in a space that facilitates your own strengths and interests. Creo's strengths are shown through the tireless efforts to only finalize a job until every aspect meets the standards set by us in the criteria set by you. The never ending search for ways to improve your printed product through creative processes using efficient procedures are crucial factors to exceeding, your as well as our, expectations. Confucius once wisely stated, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." Creo is an opportunistic and optimistic company that always sees a silver lining whether it's taking an arduous job and finding new techniques or making a slight misprint and gaining a test print while not repeating that particular error again. Fortunately so many trials and errors have been experienced in the past that we are proud to make almost every print job have a 100% successful print run with the errors we do face being easily reversible with a spray out or double stroke. Creo believes that, with a solid vision along with a strong, committed team who are creative and passionate about their work, we will accomplish anything that we've set out to do. Ten two letter words sums it up pretty nicely, "if it is to be it is up to me" and your expectations are to be exceeded.

Print master

Elliott McDonald

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